We wake up early and walk the near deserted streets up the hill to the Alhambra. An enterprising coffee shop was open at the base of the hill and was doing a brisk business with tourists trying for the tickets that come on sale at 08:00. We reached the top to find a LONG lineup at the ticket office. We asked, in our poor, (but improving) Spanish, a security person if this was the line for the tickets. He replied in English that, if we payed by credit card we could use the machines at the back of the adjacent building. Great advice. SHORT lineup. We snagged tickets. Not sure we would have if we had joined the larger lineup.
We start at the Fort and "new" palace at the lower end of the hilltop.
Cool mailbox!
The Moor Palace. You had to be there within minutes of your allotted time.
The gardens are world class.
City view from the top.
Cathedral and city center. |
Cars add color to this shot. |
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