We visit son Rob in Uculet on the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Also known as the "wet coast" or "Fogust" in August. However, it is one of the most beautiful coasts in the world.
The fog is lifting in the early afternoon. |
The coastline is shaped by seas coming all the way from Japan. |
Rob and Sandra share a laugh at brunch. |
Beauty on the beach. Note the west coast Canada bikini. |
Lost shoe at the beach. |
The "thousand step" (+ or -) stairway from the beach. |
We visit with son Steve and his partner Dana.
We visit with some of our "Grand Puppies". Sorry Bob your picture did not turn out. Next time I will take two.
Bowser on the Beach. |
One of the twins. |
The other twin. |
Biggy Smalls. |
We are part of 80 family and friends to celebrate Sandra's Mom's 80th birthday.
Loretta with Barry and George. |
Sons Rob and Mike, dil Cory and niece Kara. |
Barry and Kara MC a great AV program featuring pictures from Loretta's life. |
Fire regulations limited the number of candles on the cake. |