April 30th we leave Ramsgate for Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. Wind is light and we opt to Motor sail the entire way, due to the heavy traffic, in the Straights of Dover. At times we had 16 vessels in sight and had to take action twice to avoid collision with freighters.
We cross over into France at Noon and tie up to the dock at 16:00.
The marina is a bit rolly at high tide and the fishing boats leave from their docks across the harbor at about 3:00, resulting in a pre-dawn wake up call. This is more than made up by the fresh fish market on the quay each day from 8:00 to 13:00, the Farmer's markets Wed and Sat, the beautiful walks on the sea wall, the many restaurants, shops, and cultural/historical sites all within a few minutes walk.
We say goodby to the white C lifts of Dover. |
On the dock at Boulogne-sur-Mer, with SV "Voila" |
The fish market. |
The Aquarium. |
Captain and Admiral of SV "Voila" |
The beach |
Sand Yachts for rent in season. |
Sandra on the inner breakwater. |
The light at the end of the inner breakwater. |
Vessel Traffic Control Tower. |