Bahia Tenacatita has one main anchorage and two smaller anchorages. We chose the main anchorage behind Punta Chubasco. The cruisers share the bay with one resort and a small campground, that is busy only on the week ends. Sandra had been to the resort a few years ago and had a tequila "incident" that has found its way into family lore.
Bluewater Cruisers BURP aboard SV "Toketie". Phoebe from SV "Tokatie" is bracketed by Bruce and Jenny (?) off SV "Jabulie". David from SV "Toketie" is captured in the act of photographing yours truly. Brain and Cathy off SV "Tarun" attended but avoided the camera.
Dingy trip across the serf and through the mangrove swamp to the Village of Tenacatita. The town consists of restaurants, campgrounds and small hotels, ALL with a Corona Cerveza sign in front. I lost count at 20 signs, in the 5 block long village. With Sandra on the beach are Brain and Cathy off SV "Tarun" and Linda and Phoebe off SV "Toketie".
SV "Toketie" and SV "Tarun", both Bluewater Cruising Association members leave for parts south. They are headed for the 20 plus day "puddle jump" to the Marcazas. We are saddened by the fact that it may be months or years (if ever) before we see them again. This is one of the downsides of the cruising life.
Snorkeling off of Punta Hermanos with Tod off SV "Sugata". The water was murky from the swells, that originated in a storm off Alaska. A Sting Ray is barely visible in the center of the last picture.
We took a dingy day trip to Manzanilla Village to see the BIG crocodiles. They are in the river that goes through the town. Behind the Roseta Spoonbill (in the second picture) are three huge crocs sunning. Not my idea of a place to be.
Friday night dingy raft up in the anchorage. Over 20 dinghies rafted up to exchange food, books and boat cards. Pictured are Mike and Mona from SV "Windy City"; Dave, Leslie, Genoa and Jordyn from SV "Sassona" and Sequoia off SV "Sugata".
Sandra and Todd pictured drifting down the mangrove swamp in SV "Sugata's" dingy. We were able to see much more wildlife without the motor, including the elusive tree crabs. They were so illusive I was not able to get a clear picture of them.
Lunch on the beach with Todd and Susan off SV "Sugata", followed by games of "Mexican Train" Dominos. Sequoia (SV "Sugata") and Jordyn (SV "Sassona") enjoy fresh coconuts.