This was an uncomfortable up wind passage, where we averaged less then 3 kts over the ground, pounding into seas most of the way. The exception was the last day where we were going downwind at 7 kts with only the stay sail up, helped by 2 to 3 kts of current. We normally average 5 kts.
I was sea sick, feeding the fishes, even having taken my medication. Sandra was not feeling well but did not loose her "cookies".

Sunset off Tres Puntas, as we leave Guatemala for Mexico. Is this the rare "blue flash" at sunset or me playing with my new photo editing program?
There are pirates now operating in the bays in Honduras, east of Tres Puntas. A French boat was robbed by a group of armed men the week before we left. During our passage a Canadian was murdered. Hopefully the Honduran authorities will act as the bays were these events took place are reported to be beautiful.

Beast on board. We wait out a cold front in Tobbaco Reach, Belize and are joined by this Dragon Fly.

Beauty on the bow. We wait out another blow in Bahia de la Ascencion, Mx.

We arrive safely at El Cid Marina in Peurto Morelas, Mx and decorate for the Xmas season.
We wish you all fair winds and calm seas this holiday season.