The Police Dock at Shelter Island San Diego was our home for the first 5 days, then we anchored out between the San Diego and Southwestern Yacht Clubs.
Ken's Birthday party aboard SV Rosebud, with his partners Linde & Roger, Steve & Linda, Sandra & I.
David, Linda & Tes on SV Starshine. "The Salon Dock", Christine getting a trim from her daughter off SV Solskin. Farrell was below working on the engine. Cruising = "Working on your boat in exotic locations".
Also, in port were Mike & Gladys on SV Last Mango, John on SV Dream Catcher. We just missed Todd, Susan & Sequoia on SV Sugatta.
The Amtrak station in San Diego is where all the public transportation comes together.
Primates at the Zoo.
The San Diego Zoo a world class venue for the world's animals. We took over 150 pictures, edited down to 68, with our favorites added here.